纽约视觉艺术学院(简称SVA)于1947年成立,校区位于纽约市区曼哈顿,地处全美最中心的文化艺术中心地带,横跨纽约市区东西两岸。学校一共拥有教学大楼16座,按规模来说也是世界第一。学院是公认的 “美国设计与艺术”最高峰,也是国际艺术教育领域公认的顶级设计学院。学院的插画、卡通、电脑艺术等已是公认的全美排名第一的专业。学院是全国艺术与设计学校协会、独立艺术与设计院校协会和独立艺术与设计学校国际协会认可的会员,同时也被中国教育部认证。学院的艺术家是威尼斯电影节、威尼斯双年展、卡塞尔文献展、奥斯卡金像奖的获奖常客,也被美国当代艺术界称为“艺术大师的摇篮”。
Advertising(广告)、Animation(动画)、Art History(艺术史)、Cartooning(卡通漫画)、ComputerArt, Computer Animation and Visual Effects(电脑艺术,电脑动画与视觉效果)、Design(设计)、Film and Video(电影)、FineArts(纯艺术)、Humanities andSciences(人文与科学)、Illustration(插画)、Interior Design(室内设计)、Photography(摄影)、Visual & Critical Studies(视觉与评论研究)
Critical Theory and the Arts(批判理论与艺术)、Curatorial Practice(会展管理)、Design Research, Writing and Criticism(设计研究,写作与批判)、Art Criticism and Writing(艺术批评与写作)、Art Practice(艺术实践)、Computer Art(电脑艺术)、Design(设计)、Design Criticism(设计批评)、Design for Social Innovation(社会创新设计)、Fine Arts(纯艺术)、Illustration as Visual Essay(视觉短文插画)、Interaction Design(交互设计)、Photography, Video and Related Media(摄影,影像与相关媒体)、Products of Design(产品设计)、Social Documentary Film(社会纪录片)、 Visual Narrative(视觉叙事)、 Art Education(艺术教育)、Art Therapy(艺术治疗)、Branding(品牌推广)、DigitalPhotography(数字摄影)、FashionPhotography(时尚摄影)、Live ActionShort Film(纪实短片)
1. AdmissionsAcademic Transcripts In order to be consideredofficial, transcripts must be submitted in an unopened envelope that is stampedand sealed by the college registrar of the issuing institution.
2. Tests If you are an international applicant who is not a U.S. citizen orpermanent resident, and/or you are not a native English speaker, you arerequired to take either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).Minimum TOEFL requirement: 213 computer-based score or 79 Internet-based score.
3. Letter(s) of Recommendation Recommenders should indicate theapplicant’s full name and department of interest in the beginning of the letteras well as on the outside of the envelope. Each envelope must be sealed andsigned by the recommender in order to be considered official.
4. Portfolio All Graduate applicants are required to review thedetailed instructions outlined in the department requirements section of theirchosen program.
5. Statement of Purpose (250-500 words) describing the applicant'sreason for pursuing study. For more information, applicants should review thedepartment requirements section of their chosen program.
6. Resume Applicants must submit a resume which should includeprofessional experience as well as related activities, such as research, awardsand exhibitions.
Undergraduate tuition anddepartment fees: 本科阶段
Full-time Tuition: $16,780 per semester
(full-time registration is considered 12-15 credits;12-16 for Visualand Critical Studies)
Advertising $640 per semester, foundation year
$890 per semester, second, third and fourth years
Animation $990 per semester
Design $800 per semester, foundation year
$890 per semester, second, third and fourth years
Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects $1,340 persemester
ESL/ Studio Program $640 per semester
Film and Video $1,340 per semester
Fine Arts $800 per semester, foundation year
$900 per semester, second, third and fourth years
Illustration and Cartooning $800 per semester, foundation year
$490 per semester, second, third and fourth years
Interior Design $1,140 per semester
Photo Global Certificate Program $1,340 per semester
Photography $1,340 per semester
Screenwriting $840 per semester
Visual and Critical Studies $640 persemester
Graduate tuition anddepartment fees: 研究生阶段
Art Criticism and Writing $18,790 per semester, fall and spring (12to 16 credits per semester)
Art Education $18,790 per semester, fall and spring
Art Therapy $18,790 per semester, fall and spring (12 to 15 creditsper semester)
Design $20,070 per semester, fall and spring (12 to 15 credits persemester)
Fine Arts $18,790 per semester, fall and spring (12 to 15 creditsper semester)
卡洛斯奎尔 时尚摄影大师;
罗伯特韦夫 美国插画大师;
马歇尔艾斯曼 美国插画大师;
史蒂芬海勒 平面设计大师;
艾得班克 英文字体设计先驱;
罗那维勒 苹果店总设计师