2013年US News《美国新闻与世界报道》最佳高校排名榜单发布,在全国高校和全国文理学院两项排名中,排名第一的院校都保持不变。
U.S.News 2013年度美国大学排行榜
1. Harvard University (tie)
City: Cambridge, MA
Total Enrollment: 19,872
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $40,866
Application Deadline: January 1
2. Princeton University (tie)
City: Princeton, NJ
Total Enrollment: 7,859
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $38,650
Application Deadline: January 1
3. Yale University
City: New Haven, CT
Total Enrollment: 11,875
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $42,300
Application Deadline: December 31
4. Columbia University (tie)
City: New York, NY
Total Enrollment: 22,885
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $47,246
Application Deadline: January 1
5. University of Chicago (tie)
City: Chicago, IL
Total Enrollment: 12,316
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,574
Application Deadline: January 3
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (tie)
City: Cambridge, MA
Total Enrollment: 10,894
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $42,050
Application Deadline: January 1
7. Stanford University (tie)
City: Stanford, CA
Total Enrollment: 19,945
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $41,787
Application Deadline: January 1
8. Duke University (tie)
City: Durham, NC
Total Enrollment: 15,427
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,623
Application Deadline: January 2
9. University of Pennsylvania (tie)
City: Philadelphia, PA
Total Enrollment: 19,919
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,738
Application Deadline: January 1
10. California Institute of Technology (tie)
City: Pasadena, CA
Total Enrollment: 2,231
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $39,588
Application Deadline: January 1
11. Dartmouth College (tie)
City: Hanover, NH
Total Enrollment: 6,144
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $45,042
Application Deadline: January 1
1. Williams College
City: Williamstown, MA
Total Enrollment: 2,109
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,920
Application Deadline: January 1
2. Amherst College
City: Amherst, MA
Total Enrollment: 1,791
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,610
Application Deadline: January 1
3. Swarthmore College
City: Swarthmore, PA
Total Enrollment: 1,545
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,080
Application Deadline: January 1
4. Middlebury College (tie)
City: Middlebury, VT
Total Enrollment: 2,507
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,111
Application Deadline: January 1
5. Pomona College (tie)
City: Claremont, CA
Total Enrollment: 1,586
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $41,438
Application Deadline: January 2
6. Bowdoin College (tie)
City: Brunswick, ME
Total Enrollment: 1,778
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,118
Application Deadline: January 1
7. Wellesley College (tie)
City: Wellesley, MA
Total Enrollment: 2,502
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $42,082
Application Deadline: January 15
8. Carleton College
City: Northfield, MN
Total Enrollment: 2,018
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,445
Application Deadline: January 15
9. Haverford College
City: Haverford, PA
Total Enrollment: 1,198
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,702
Application Deadline: January 15
10. Claremont McKenna College (tie)
City: Claremont, CA
Total Enrollment: 1,321
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,085
Application Deadline: January 2
11. Vassar College (tie)
City: Poughkeepsie, NY
Total Enrollment: 2,386
2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $46,270
Application Deadline: January 1
1. 宾夕法尼亚大学
2. 麻省理工学院
3. 加州大学伯克利分校
5. 纽约大学
7. 卡内基梅隆大学
1. 麻省理工学院
2. 斯坦福大学
3. 加州理工学院
5. 佐治亚理工学院
7. 密歇根大学
8. 卡内基梅隆大学